Bluefins Dragon Boat & Outrigger Canoeing Club
Distance from You
Club Overview
Formed in 2002, BlueFins are a social & competitive Dragon Boat and Outrigger Canoe club in Sydney. We compete in events locally and abroad. BlueFins achieved an outstanding record in corporate racing events and won many titles in the early years. The club became an affiliate of Dragon Boats NSW Inc, and have been competing in DBNSW sports racing events. In 2024/25, the team is still going strong and looking forward to the new season!
BlueFins has continued to grow and expand - leading other corporate teams to win major events and also run outrigger canoe sessions with OC6 and v1's. Since 2020, it is an Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association (AOCRA) approved club.
We welcome people of all ages who enjoy paddling and meeting up together!
Training Times
DB Team (on Season):
7:45 AM to 9:30 AM
DB Team (on Season):
9:45 PM to 11:30 PM
OC Team (on Season Beginners/Exp):
8:30 PM to 11:30 PM
OC Team (on Season Experienced):
7:45 PM to 9:15 PM
OC Team (on Season Experienced):
7:45 PM to 9:15 PM
Club Focus
On the Web
About Outrigger Canoe
Outrigger Canoe paddling or outrigging comes from the Pacific Islands dating back millennia. When twin hull canoes joined together with central beams were invented to transport the peoples of the south east asia eastwards towards Polyneisa into modern day New Zealand and Hawaii.
The Sport of outrigger canoeing in its modern form was first recorded in Hawaii in 1917 on Waikiki with wooden canoes. The sport has gradually evolved into the sleek fibreglass or carbon fibre canoes and high tech paddles that we use today.
There are different types of Outrigger canoes, classified by the number of hulls (single or double), then number of paddlers (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12) and whether a rudder is used or not (predominately on singles)
The most common type of canoes in Australia are OC6s (Outrigger Canoes, 6 paddlers) and OC1s (Outrigger Canoe 1 paddler, with rudder) Though Bluefins bucks that trend with a number of our padders paddling V1s (V for Va’a, Tahitian style rudderless canoe, 1 paddler).
Club President
Ray SeetoBluefins welcomes people from the ages of 18 and up, all fitness levels and experiences to join us on the beautiful waters of Sydney Harbour on Dragon Boats, and our Outrigger Canoes. We are proud of our friendly, welcoming culture and the passion we have for paddling! Come give it a try!
Outrigger Head Coach
Li-Ray KinI want to grow Bluefins and its members; to develop our love of paddling by challenging ourselves to be the best we can be, for the love of paddling and the bigger community.
Outrigger Canoeing with Bluefins focuses on the efficient application of the stroke over long distances of 10Kms or more. We paddle out of Blackwattle bay into Sydney Harbour taking in the sights Westwards towards the Gladesville bridge or Eastwards towards Rose Bay and beyond.
Outrigger Membership
What Outrigger Canoe Members are saying
“Suuuuper friendly group. The training has been awesome. Joined as a noob but the whole is so nice and patient to teach me. Join the team and you will love it.”
“Had a fantastic time paddling with the Bluefins crew. Very friendly team, well organised session, a great work out and best of all, it was super fun!”

“Friendly, welcoming team of people and paddlers! Fun on and off the water. They not only do Dragon Boat Racing but also outrigger canoeing”
Club Location
Club Address
1 Bank St, Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia
Training Address
Same as above
Please get in contact